1Ton of Portland cement = 20bags
1cu ft Portland cement weights 90.94 when loosely filled
Average weight 1:2:4
1) coke brick aggregate 100 lbs per cu.ft
2) clinker aggregate 110 lbs per cu.ft
3) brick aggregate 125 lbs per cu.ft
4) Ballast aggregate 145 lbs per cu.ft
Average weight of 1:2:4 reinforced concrete is 150 lbs per cu.ft.
1 cu.ft of loose Portland cement paste will make about
4.1 cu.ft of concrete mixed 1:2:4
5.1 cu.ft of concrete mixed 1:2.5:5
5.8 cu.ft of concrete mixed 1:3:6
7.5 cu.ft of concrete mixed 1:4:8
1 cu.ft of portal cement neat as cement paste will covered 9.5sq.ft 1" Thickness
1 cu. ft of 1 loose Portland cement with 1 part of sand will cover 16.8 sq.ft.1" Thickness
1cu.ft of 1 loose Portland cement with 2 part of cement will cover 29 Sq.ft 1" Thickness
1cu.ft of loose Portland cement with 3 part of sand will cover 35.7sq.ft.1" Thickness
1cu.ft of loose Portland cement with 6 parts of sand will lay about 410 with 3/8" Joints and 528 bricks with 1/4" Joints
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